Saturday, December 29, 2012

My new Fan Fiction!!

Soul Eater Afterlife
By Jade Lucindia Everless
Chapter 1
The Past, the Present but not the Future?
My feet felt heavy as I walked up the steps towards Death Weapon Mister Academy or as the students here like to call it, the DWMA. Being the new kid is never easy. People stare at you, say you are strange, make up stories about how you ended up here and how you act. They decisively pick how you must act for you and expect you to fill out their expectations. However, I have heard that this place is different, that there are others similar to me here. Not exactly like me though.
It would be quite strange to see a replica me. Not just your ordinary jeans and T-shirt girl. I’m not exactly a girly-girl though. I don’t know quite where I would put myself. Somewhere out of the circle altogether perhaps. Not just anyone would be able to imagine a girl with pastel-like blue grey hair tumbling down her back. A girl with natural tattoos curling and sweeping all over her body. A girl with her whites of her eyes and her pupils the wrong way around. Yes. I have white pupils and black eyes. Your point is?
My clothes aren’t exactly normal either. They are more like ripped up pieces of material. My shirt is sort of a long sleeved shirt with one of the sleeves cut off, on the left, to make one side of it a strap top. Are you following? Good. The long sleeve drapes off my shoulder a bit like it is too big for me. Now, halfway from where my ribs begin it starts to slope vertically left, downwards, revealing my stomach and more of my natural tattoos that I mentioned earlier. This top is more of a darker grey blue. My skirt is short. It’s a bit like a mini skirt. It is the same dark grey blue colour as my top. Imagine a diamond, not the rock, the shape. Now, take the top of the diamond and stretch it. Longer, longer, there you go now it is almost touching the floor if you are holding at your waist. Go ahead and chop off the point that you are holding now. Good, now if you have two of those that are white with a sort of black eye shape that has been turned 90 degrees in the middle of the triangle shape at the bottom, that is what is on either sides of my skirt. Confusing isn’t it? That is the equivalent of my personality just about. Not a strangely shaped object! Confusing.
So as I walked up to the DWMA I felt a certain sinking feeling in my gut. I left myself thinking ‘What am I doing?’ every school that I had been to so far had been a total disaster. Nobody could handle me. I was awkward, unsociable and just down right out of place. It must have been hard for everyone to understand how different I was. Everyone knew of the existence of people like me but they just couldn’t understand why I was not elsewhere.
I had reached the top step but I could not bring myself to walk in right away. So, I sat on the step to think. Now lets see here. What was my first school like? It was only the beginning of infant school.
All the other children looked at me weird, so did their parents and the teachers. I was only six but I did know that I was different. At that time I thought it might have been because of my tattoos or my hair or the fact that I walked to and from school alone and contently but now that I think of it again I think it may have been because the teachers knew what I was and so the teachers told the parents and the parents told their children. They now knew what I was and they judged me because of it. Not because of what I was, they didn’t care about that, it was because of where I was. I was there and not where all the other children like me were. So just like I walked home, I left, quietly and contently.
By this time I was about nine, I still had no friends. Now that I think of it I can’t even recall talking to anyone other than answering ‘yes’ for roll call. Due to the fact that everyone I next met at this school were nine years old or teachers’ gossip had odiously started to develop into the other children’s daily lives. They always wanted to know what was what and who was who and what was going on and where and why. And me? I would just sit there, alone, thinking or reading or just staring into space. The teachers needn’t bother with me. All that they knew was a little, strange looking, nine year old girl had walked into the school, talked to the head asking for a place in a class and that she was different to all the other pupils that had ever attended the school. Ever. The other pupils were pretty interested in me. Not in being my friend or talking to me, but talking about me. A lot of rumours circulated. Ones about me being kicked out of my old school for misbehaving or fights, ones about me walking out of the school in the middle of the day for a teacher yelling at me for being too awkward, they even started rumours about me being a witch. This one did not please me at all because now I knew what people like me did. That people like me hunted down kishins and witches to take their souls. And so after two years in that school I did what I did before. I upped sticks and left at the age of eleven.
Now the last school that I went to I did get into a fight. In all fairness it was not my fault. They just pushed me too far. I am not a violent person in the slightest and it is not like I killed anyone but I do believe that evil should be punished.
When I fist arrived I did what I had done in my previous school, just sat on my own, listened in class, did my work and got on with my life. Then those maggots came along, Frankie, Jenny and Buster they called themselves. They had heard what I was and they though they were tougher than I was. They hadn’t seen what I could do. They called me names, threw me about, they pushed me to the brink. They were waiting for me to erupt so they could get what they had wanted from the beginning, a good fight. So, on that day when we were all thirteen and I had had enough, I gave them the fight of their lives. Frankie got out with a broken arm and a whole lot of bruises. Jenny was admitted to A and E with three broken ribs and a fractured collarbone and Buster, well, Buster won’t walk again for a long time now. Then again, they shouldn’t have picked a fight with someone like me.
After this happened the DWMA was called. They looked thither into the incident. So, they decided to take me in.
So here I am. I never properly introduced myself did I? Well hello, it’s nice to meet you. I am Ino. Noting after that. Just Ino. As I was saying I am Ino and I am a weapon.

1 comment:

  1. This is only one chapter of my fanfiction I am working on my second chapter as we speek :)
